Tjemes en Khentet

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Tjemes en Khentet as depicted on the Dendera D ceiling

Tjemes en Khentet is the 13th decan of the main decanal stars of Egyptian astrology. The decan has its heliacal rise during the week of I Peret 1-10 in the Egyptian calendar. Its name is translated as "red one of Khentet."


The Coffin Texts have several spells that mention “the Red One.” Spell 400 identifies the Red One as the sail of Rē's boat (connecting it to the next decan group). Spell 513 alludes to this decan's connection with conflict: “I am the Red One, the protector of his Eye. I died yesterday, I raised myself today, I returned today, and a path has been prepared for me, (even me) the door- keeper of the great warship.” It is no coincidence, then, that the Egyptian calendar begins this week with a ceremony to pacify the Wedjat, the eye of Horus who is also a protector god of Egypt.

Divination meaning

The Egyptian Star Oracle connects this decan with restraint and cessation of conflict.


In the Naos of Decades, Tjemes en Khentet is described as the one “who stops the fighting among those who are in the water.” Ending conflicts is the primary power of this decan, and if you are involved in a fight, argument, or legal battle with someone, Tjemes en Khentet can help put a stop to it.

The Dendera D zodiac ceiling depicts this decan as a standing lion-headed god holding two nw-jars. The same ceiling gives its minerals as glass and gold.

The Decans of Egyptian Astrology
Previous Decan This Decan Next Decan
Khentet kheret Tjemes en Khentet Qedty