Khentet kheret

Khentet kheret is the 12th decan of the main decanal stars of Egyptian astrology. The decan has its heliacal rise during the week of IV Akhet 21-30 in the Egyptian calendar. Its name is translated as "lower Khentet."

Khentet kheret as depicted on the ceiling of the Dendera Temple on the Dendera D Zodiac

Divination meaning

The Egyptian Star Oracle connects this decan with conflict and war.


In ritual work, Khentet Kheret brings rain. This decan can also impact a person's ability to speak, see, or walk.

The Dendera D zodiac ceiling depicts this decan as a seated lion-headed deity. The same ceiling gives its minerals as red jasper and gold.

The Decans of Egyptian Astrology
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Khentet heret Khentet kheret Tjemes en Khentet