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The Goetic demon Glasya-Labolas as depicted in The Infernal Dictionary

Glasya-Labolas (Hebrew: נבר) is a Great President of Hell, with 36 legions of demons under his command. It is the 25th Goetic demon, and one of the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon according to the Lesser Key of Solomon.

He is ruled over by the Kabbalistic angel Nithhaiah.

General description

He shows himself in the form of a dog with wings like a gryphon.


He teaches all Arts and Sciences in an instant, and is an author of bloodshed and manslaughter. He teaches all things past and future. If desired, he can cause the love both of friends and of foes. He can make a man to go invisible. Astrologically, this spirit signifies black magic.

He is a servant demon of those born July 18 - 22.

Goetic demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon
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Naberius Glasya-Labolas Bune