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Oneiromancy is the practice of interpreting dreams in a divinatory context. The idea is that when one is asleep, the soul leaves the physical body and moves into higher states of consciousness, gaining previously unknown information which must be filtered down as the soul descends back into the body so that the waking mind can make sense of what their soul perceived.


The most basic form of Oneiromancy involves the use of dream interpretation books, which would list different things which might appear in one's dreams alongside what they may represent. In a similar vein, lot books, which oftentimes were printed with dream books at the end, would also frequently include questions inquiring about the nature or meaning of a dream, such as Napoleon's Oraculum or the Royal Book of Fate.

Through the use of these books, the practice came into more common usage for some time.

Astrological considerations may be taken into account as well, such as in Theomagia, where the Lunar mansions and the signs of the Zodiac are taken into account when making interpretations.

The dream may also be interpreted through the use of a geomantic shield chart. The Royal Book of Dreams by Robert Cross Smith gives an additional method, which involves a method of converting the Witnesses and Judge into two new "Sephromantic Signs," which are used to find the interpretation within the book.