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Geomancy (Greek: γεωμαντεία, "earth divination") is a term which refers to methods of divination utilizing the earth or materials from the earth.


The word geomancy comes from the Latin root “Geo” meaning Earth and “mancy” meaning prophecy, and is a translation of the Arabic "‛ilm al-raml", meaning "science of the sand".


Geomancy was practiced by people from all social classes. It was one of the most popular forms of divination throughout Africa and Europe, particularly during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

In Renaissance magic, geomancy was classified as one of the seven "forbidden arts", along with necromancy, hydromancy, aeromancy, pyromancy, chiromancy (palmistry), and spatulamancy (scapulimancy).

Techniques for geomancy are commonly contained in specialized grimoires known as lot books, especially during the 19th century. However, there are examples of instructional manuals for the practice which lack the usual format of what would be considered a "lot book", such as The Geomancie of Meister Christopher Cattan Gentleman (1591) and the Littaafin Kasa (time of publication unknown).

How geomancy works

Basic geomancy involves the interpretation of markings on the ground or the patterns formed by tossed handfuls of soil, rocks, or sand which go through a process of recursion and analysis, often augmented with astrological interpretations, before an answer is determined.

Fundamental to this system are 16 talismanic figures (quadrigrams) that have specific meanings and are created through a geomantic divination process. These 16 figures are composed of odd and even points in four lines. They have elemental, Zodiacal, and Planetary correspondences.

Two figures are attributed to each of the seven classical "planets," while the remainder are attributed to the North and South nodes of the moon. Each geomantic sigil also has a Genii of the astral plane attributed to them.

Metaphysical theory

John Heydon believed that all physical manifestations have an invisible spirit (a Genius) existing behind the veil of reality. We can access this hidden rhythm of creation by means of geomancy.

Geomancy works because every spot on planet Earth has its own occult forces and yet is an integral part of the whole, as is every event in time. From the view of old Genius, time is a misinterpretation of the geomantic rhythm. When we cast our oracle, it must be correct, there could be no other pattern of manifestation because the result of the divination is a direct reflection of Earth's vibration at that very moment, bridge to all other moments.

Topographical Geomancy

Topographical Geomancy refers to the interpretation of different topographical features of a landscape as either auspicious or inauspicious for the placement and positioning of buildings.

Topographical Geomancy includes such practices as:

Important texts

Some important texts which explain the function and theory of geomancy include: