Sawy Qed

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Sawy Qed as depicted on the Dendera D Zodiac

Sawy Qed is the 29th decan of the main decanal stars of Egyptian astrology. The decan has its heliacal rise during the week of II Shemu 11-20 in the Egyptian calendar. Its name is translated as "children of the potter."

Divination meaning

The Egyptian Star Oracle connects this decan with either possessiveness or sharing. The children created by the Potter represent all of humanity. Human beings, especially when they are very young, tend to be selfish, but can also display altruistic acts of kindness by sharing what they have.


In ritual work, this decan is good for dealing with skin disorders and problems with breathing.

The Dendera D zodiac ceiling depicts this decan as an anthropomorphic snake holding two nw-jars. Its minerals are listed as glass and gold.

The Decans of Egyptian Astrology
Previous Decan This Decan Next Decan
Qed Sawy Qed Khau