Temat Heret

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Temat Heret as depicted on the ceiling of the Dendera Temple on the Dendera D Zodiac

Temat Heret is the sixth decan of the main decanal stars of Egyptian astrology. The decan has its heliacal rise during the week of II Akhet 21 - 30 in the Egyptian calendar. Its name is translated as "upper wing."

In Egyptian religion

A link between the Crane and the principle of care and nurturing is found in Pyramid Text spell 254. This spell mentions two pelicans that announce the arrival of the Great God, who ushers in the Beautiful West Goddess. Her function is one of protection and care. Her arrival causes the evildoers to tremble with fear, and she says to the deceased: “Pass by in peace. I have preserved you.”


In ritual work, Temat Heret releases shackles and bondage, giving freedom from inactivity. As with decans Pehuy Djat, this decan also deals with magic impacting plants and agriculture.

On the Dendera D zodiac ceiling, this decan is depicted as a seated lion-headed deity. The same ceiling gives its mineral as gold.

This decan is ruled over by Imsety.

The Decans of Egyptian Astrology
Previous Decan This Decan Next Decan
Pehuy Djat Temat Heret Temat Kheret