Temat Kheret

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Temat Kheret as depicted on the ceiling of the Dendera Temple on the Dendera C Zodiac

Temat Kheret is the seventh decan of the main decanal stars of Egyptian astrology. The decan has its heliacal rise during the week of III Akhet 1-10 in the Egyptian calendar. Its name is translated as "lower wing."

Stellar identity

Temat Kheret is most likely the binary star Spica, located in the constellation of Virgo.

Divination meaning

In The Egyptian Star Oracle, if this card appears in a reading near decan 3, Khery Heped En Kenmet, then this is a solid indication that change is in the air and something big will be happening in the near future. If it appears next to decan 17, Kenmu, then it points to an actual death.


In ritual work, Temat Kheret can bring hardship to your enemies. It also cures or causes depression. It is a good decan for dealing with disorders of the skin.

The Dendera C zodiac ceiling depicts this decan as a falcon-headed god. The Dendera D zodiac gives its mineral as gold.

The Decans of Egyptian Astrology
Previous Decan This Decan Next Decan
Temat Heret Temat Kheret Weshati Bekati