Amdusias (Hebrew: אמרוך) is a Goetic demon. It is the 67th spirit of the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon according to the Lesser Key of Solomon. In the hierarchy of Hell, Amdusias is a great and strong duke.

Amdusias as depicted in The Infernal Dictionary

He is ruled over by the Kabbalistic angel Eiael.

General description

Amdusias appears at first like a unicorn, but at the request of the exorcist he will stand before him in human shape, causing trumpets, and all manner of musical instruments to be heard, but not soon or immediately.


He can cause trees to bend and incline according to the exorcist's will. He gives excellent familiars. He governs 29 legions of spirits. Astrologically, this spirit signifies making mistakes.

Amdusias is a servant demon of those born February 13 - 17.

Goetic demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon
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Cimeies Amdusias Belial