
Andrealphus (Hebrew: אנדראלף) is a Goetic demon. It is the 65th spirit of the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon according to the Lesser Key of Solomon. In the hierarchy of Hell, Andrealphus is a marquis.

Andrealphus from The Infernal Dictionary

He is ruled over by the Kabbalistic angel Damabiah.

General description

Andrealphus appears at first in the form of a peacock, with great noises. But after a time he will put on a human shape.


He can teach Geometry perfectly and will make one very keen on the topic. Also, he makes one well educated in all things pertaining to mensuration or astronomy. He can transform a person into the likeness of a bird. Astrologically, this spirit signifies an unhappy voyage. He governs 30 legions of demons.

Andrealphus is a servant demon of those born February 3 - 7.

Goetic demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon
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