Oriens is a demon mentioned in many grimoires dealing with ritual magic.

Etching of the demon Oriens

He is most frequently named alongside Paimon, Egyn, and Amaymon as kings of the cardinal directions. He is the king of the east.


His name in Latin is literally translated as "the east," reinforcing the occult belief that Oriens is the Infernal King of the East. Alternate spellings of his name include "Uriens."

Textual history

Oriens appears in numerous works including:


The demon Oriens as depicted in Clavis Inferni

He appears with a fair and feminine countenance wearing a crown upon his head. He rides upon an elephant with a large number of musical instruments. Sometimes, he appears in the shape of a horse (with multiple heads, variously stated as 100 or five), but once he has been constrained by an invocation, he will take a human shape.

Conflation with other spirits

Samuel L. MacGregor Mathers equates him to the Samael, suggesting a variation of his name is responsible for Sir Uriens, a title popular in medieval times.

He has also been conflated with the Goetic demon Orias.


Oriens controls 250 legions of inferior spirits who share his powers which can be loaned to others upon command.

Many abilities are attributed to Oriens such as giving the magician wealth in the form of silver and gold, answering questions about the past, present, and future, giving divinatory visions, the power to fly, providing familiars. He also has powers of necromancy and is able to revive the dead.

In Thelema

Oriens is one of eight demonic sub-princes whose name can be written on paper on the second day of the Holy Guardian Angel working in the Thelema magical system. On the third day, they manifest themselves to the magician at which time he must make them swear their loyalty to him--first on his wand and then on his book. The purpose of acquiring the loyalty of these demons is to have them lend their power in performing ritual magic.