Archangels of the Zodiac

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The Archangels of the Zodiac are twelve archangels that rule over the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Textual history

Numerous authors of grimoires from the Medieval Period included the 12 Archangels of the Zodiac in their work, although no single source appears to provide all known information about them.

  • De Arte Cabbalistica (1517) - Gives the names of the archangels.
  • Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1531) - Gives the names of the archangels and connects them with specific animals and plants.
  • Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum (1619) - Gives the seals of the archangels.
  • Untitled Manuscript (1600s) - Provides the names of the archangels and their abilities, but has several errors in their names, including unusual spellings. The author made corrections to the Agrippa's Hebrew.
  • Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1651) - First English translation. Errors present in the Hebrew characters.
  • The Magus (1801) - Translated prior information into English, reprinted the Hebrew errors from the 1651 English edition.
  • The Infernal Dictionary (1818) - Assigns the archangels only to specific months, not the zodiac signs.

The different versions of Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum have differing information and the copyist or author of the later German edition appears to have inadvertently transposed some of the information relating to the angels and their stones as well as the letter of the Hebrew alphabet each angel is associated with.

The English translation of The Magnus has several printing errors regarding the four Hebrew letters comprising the name of God associated with each angel.

Zodiac Sign Archangel Name Meaning of Name Seal Name of God
Aries Machidiel "Help of God" Malchidiel Sigil.png יהוה YHWH
Taurus Asmodel "Destruction of the enemies" Asmodel Sigil.png יההו YHHW
Gemini Ambriel "Orator of God" Ambriel Sigil.png יוהה YWHH
Cancer Muriel "Highness" Muriel Seal.png הוהי HWHY
Leo Verchiel "Benediction of God" Verchiel Seal.png הויה HWYH
Virgo Hamaliel "Reverence or Fear of God" Hamaliel Seal.png ההיו HHYW
Libra Zuriel "Strength of God" Zuriel Seal.png וההי WHHY
Scorpio Barbiel "Sincerity or Purity of God" Barbiel.png ויהה WYHH
Sagittarius Adnachiel "Rest of God" Adnachiel Seal.png והיה WHYH
Capricorn Hanael "Oath of God" Hanael Seal.png היהו HYHW
Aquarius Gabriel "Exalter and Maker of God" Gabriel Seal.png היוה HYWH
Pisces Barchiel "Lightning of God" Barchiel.png ההוי HHWY