Kedemel is the name of the planetary spirit of Venus corresponding to the constellation Taurus, the geomantic figure Puella is the Ruler over the angel Zuriel, and when paired with planetary spirit Hismael, the corresponds to the geomantic figure Caput Draconis.
His enemy is Zazel, the ruler of Saturn.
Her herbs and plants are those which have a sweet flavor and pleasant smell, white flowers with smooth leaves, white and yellow lilies, lilies of the valley, water lilies, ragwort, cuckoo-pint, maidenhair, violets, and white and yellow daffodils, sweet apples, white roses, figs, white sycamore, wild ash, turpentine tree, olives, sweet oranges, mugwort, lady's-mantle, sanicle, balm, vervain, walnuts, almonds, millet, thyme, amber, labdanum, musk, coriander, peaches, apricots, plums, and raisins.
She governs harts, panthers, small cattle, rabbits, calfs, goats, stock doves, wagtails, sparrows, hens, nightingales, thrushes, pelicans, partidges, ficedulae, wrens, swans, swallows, magpies, parrots, parakeets, and dolphins.
Her metals are copper, brass, and latten, and her stones are carnelian, sky-colored sapphires, red and white coral, marscasite, alabaster, and lapis lazuli.
Her day is Friday, and her hours are the first and eighth of the same day.
In Numerology
Kedemel's name is equal to 175 using the Gematria, allowing for it to fit into a venusian magic square.
In Geomancy
In addition to corresponding to the aforementioned geomantic figures, in good aspects she represents periods of eighty-two years, and in poor ones she represents periods of eight or fourty-five years. She governs the 2nd and 7th Houses, is exalted in the 12th, receives detriment in the 1st and 8th, and has her fall in the 6th.
Textual History
Kedemel appears in the second volume of Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1533), with both the name and a sigil being given.
MS Harley 6482, published more recently as A Treatise of Angel Magic, from an older document by Thomas Rudd (1583-1656) around 1699 also mentions the spirit. This was in turn copied by John Heydon in his book Theomagia (1663).
In the 20th century, Aleister Crowley wrote Liber Gaias XCVI which drew heavily from Theomagia and also featured Kedemel as a venusian spirit.