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Satariel ("Concealers") is the third qlippoth on the Kabbalistic Tree of Death, below Thaumiel, beside Ghogiel, and directly above Golachab. It is the shadow opposite sphere of binah, its opposing sefirot on the Tree of Life.


The word satariel (סתריאל) can be translated in Hebrew as "secret of God," but the sphere is usually called "Concealers."

It is sometimes rendered as "sathariel."

Book of Enoch

In the Book of Enoch, Satariel is the name of the 17th Watcher among the leaders of the fallen angels.


Satariel is the opposite of binah, which is represents understanding, therefore, it represents a state of not knowing, confusion, or outright chaos.

This qlippoth inhibits our ability to comprehend and understand the world around us, thereby choking off intellectual and spiritual growth. It can also embody a stubborn refusal (or simple inability) to acknowledge the truth as it really exists.

On the Tree of Death, satariel exists in the Realm of Darkness, which is not explicitly evil, but still murky and unpleasant. Because it is so close to the bottom sefirot of malkuth, it receives some tiny portion of divine light and power, which prevents it from turning completely evil. As the qlippoth bordering between the Realms of Darkness and the lower level, the Realm of Evil, satariel is sometimes envisioned as a labyrinth of chaotic riddles.

Occult correspondences

In astrology, satariel corresponds to Saturn.

Its demon ruler is Lucifuge Rofocale.

In the tarot, satariel is represented in the Death card.