Zepar (Hebrew: זאפר) is a Goetic demon. It is the sixteenth spirit of the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon according to the Lesser Key of Solomon. In the hierarchy of Hell, Zepar is a Great Duke.

The Goetic demon Zepar as pictured in the Occult Tarot
He is ruled over by the Kabbalistic angel Hakamiah.
General description
Zepar appears in red apparel and armor, like a soldier.
His office is to cause women to love men, and to bring them together in love. He also makes them barren. Astrologically, this spirit signifies treason and revolt. He governs 26 Legions of Inferior Spirits. He obeys his seal when he sees it.
Zepar is a servant demon of those born June 3 to June 7.
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