Asmodel is the angel who rules over the zodiac sign of Taurus.
His name means "Destruction of enemies." The four letters of Yahweh are יההו YHHV.
Asmodel's primary office is to teach the arts and infuse a person with rhetoric and knowledge of grammar. According to occultist Franz Bardon, this angel is also capable of accessing cosmic love vibrations at the behest of a magician.
As an Archangel of the Zodiac, Asmodel also rules over the month of April and the neck of human bodies. In the hierarchy of angels, he is in the Cherubim. His stone is carnelian.
The Archdemon of the Zodiac under his control is Araziel, the demon king of Taurus.
Textual history
Asmodel is mentioned in many grimoires from the 1500s onward. His name first appears in print in Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1531), but must have come from an older, unidentified source. The Magical Calendar (1619) marks the earliest publication of his summoning seal. Arsenal Manuscript 2495 (1600s) contains the earliest known explanation of the angel's abilities, although this text likely utilized an older source.
In his 1951 book, La Kabbale Pratique, author Robert Ambelain equates Asmodel with the demon Asmoday, although there is no evidence to support this.
Archangel Asmodel is featured as one of the major archangels in the Echols Sigil Oracle.