Gabriel (Zodiac Angel)

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Not to be confused with Archangel Gabriel.
Seal of Gabriel from the Magical Calendar

Gabriel (alternately called Cambiel or Kambriel) is the angel who rules over the zodiac sign of Aquarius. He is diurnal, corresponds to the geomantic figure Tristitia, and is under the control of the planetary spirit Zazel.

His name means "Exalter and Maker of God." The four letters of Yahweh are היוה HYVH.


Gabriel's primary office is to transport men from one place to another. According to occultist Franz Bardon, this angel controls the orbit of all planets and also controls gravity itself.

As an Archangel of the Zodiac, Gabriel also rules over the month of January and the legs of human bodies. In the hierarchy of angels, he is in the Martyrs choir (part of the 10th choir of "non-angels," the Innocents, Martyrs, and Confessors). His stone is quartz, and he governs the legs and ankles, infirmities of those parts, depression, blood clots, and cramps.

The Archdemon of the Zodiac under his control is Ssakmakiel, the demon prince of Aquarius.


Gabriel governs the orbit of planets and also controls gravity.

Gabriel teaches the secrets of universal crystallization on our planet and on others, mostly relating to the properties of vibration and frequency. Through this knowledge, an experienced magician will gain the ability to change ordinary rocks into diamonds.

Textual history

The sigil of "Cambiel" as given in Theomagia by John Heydon.

As an Archangel of the Zodiac, Gabriel is mentioned in many grimoires from the 1500s onward. His name first appears in print in this context in Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1531), but must have come from an older, unidentified source.

The Magical Calendar (1619) marks the earliest publication of his summoning seal.

Arsenal Manuscript 2495 (1600s) contains the earliest known explanation of the angel's abilities, although this text likely utilized an older source. Theomagia by John Heydon (1663) lists him as a spirit under the control of Zazel in addition to giving them a corresponding geomantic figure and a new sigil.