The Angenomicon
The Angenomicon is a grimoire of angel magic collected and edited by occultist Travis McHenry.
Upon first publication in 2019, it was billed as "the single most complete source for angelic magic that has ever been written in the English language."
The name of the book is derived from the French word ange meaning “angel” and the Greek word nomios meaning “law.” This title was specifically chosen in imitation of H. P. Lovecraft's fictional book of demon magic called the Necronomicon. However, because this book deals only with angels, the title was modified.
The Angenomicon contains information gleaned from multiple grimoires of angel magic, including three unpublished, handwritten manuscripts located in the Arsenal Library in Paris, France.
The book opens with an explanation of the Shem HaMephorash and how it was utilized to create the names of the 72 Kabbalistic angels. It then explains the hierarchy of angels and the Archangels of the Zodiac along with their sigils.
The bulk of the text contains the summoning sigils, pictures, and information concerning the 72 Kabbalistic angels and six archangels. There is a section devoted to invocations and techniques for summoning and working with angelic spirits.
The book ends with an extensive series of tables showing angel rulerships and the method for figuring out a person's personal guardian angel(s).
Sources used to create the book
- Meteorologica Cosmica
- Magical Calendar
- Grimoire of Armadel
- La Science Cabalistique
- Arsenal Manuscript 2350
- Arsenal Manuscript 2493
- Arsenal Manuscript 2495
Publication history
The Angenomicon was only published once by Bloodstone Studios in three separate editions, all released in 2019 as part of the Kickstarter campaign for The Angel-Evoking Tarot.
- Limited edition softcover
- Limited edition hardcover
- Limited edition hand-bound
Hand-bound edition
Only 100 numbered copies were created with hand-bound Coptic binding. The pages of this edition are vegetable-based virgin parchment with a red buckram-wrapped cover and hand-applied brass leaf gilding. The small size of the book and the binding method are authentic to the period when many ancient grimoires were written.
The cover features authentic gold leaf ornamentation and the interior cover includes marbled endpapers.