Occult:This month in history
It is now 18:18 on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (UTC) – update
- 3 January - British Egyptologist Howard Carter finds the sarcophagus of Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor after several years of searching. (1924)
- 3/4 January - Earth-Sun Perihelion, when the earth is closest to the sun.
- 5 January - Jeane Dixon, American astrologer and psychic is born. (1904)
- 6 January - Gertrude the Great, a German mystic is born. (1256)
- 6 January - Author and occultist Dion Fortune dies . (1946)
- 8 January - Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei dies. (1642)
- 8 January - Samuel L. MacGregor Mathers is born. (1854)
- 9 January - Trial of Joan of Arc begins in Rouen, France. (1431)
- 10 January - Probable date of Vlad the Impaler's death. (1477)
- 16 January - Ivan the Terrible is crowned Tsar of Russia. (1547)
- 16 January - Magician Aleister Crowley is initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. (1900)
- 17 January - Author and astrologer Robert Fludd is born. (1574)
- 21 January - Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin is born. (1869)
- 22 January - Argentine folk saint Eva Perón meets her future husband, Colonel Juan Perón at a charity event. (1944)
- 24 January - L. Ron Hubbard founder of the Church of Scientology dies. (1987)
- 25 January - Early Tarot author Antoine Court de Gébelin is born in France. (1725)
- 27 January - The occult horror film The Witch premiers at the Sundance Film Festival. (2015)
- 28 January - Execution of Agnes Sampson, accused of witchcraft in Edinburgh. (1591)
- 28 January - Collin de Plancy, an occultist and author is born. (1793)
- 28 January - Author W.B. Yeats dies in Paris. (1939)
- 31 January - Alvan Graham Clark discovers the white dwarf star Sirius B, a companion of Sirius, through an 18.5-inch (47 cm) telescope now located at Northwestern University. (1862)
- 4 February - John Rogers is burned at the stake, becoming the first English Protestant martyr under Mary I of England. (1555)
- 7 February - Pluto moves inside Neptune's orbit for the first time since either was discovered. (1979)
- 12 February - Italian author Petrarch finishes his poem I Trionfi, the inspiration for later decks of tarot cards. (1374)
- 13 February - Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition. (1633)
- 16 February - Pamela Colman Smith, an English occultist and illustrator is born. (1878)
- 17 February - On his way to be burned at the stake for heresy, the philosopher Giordano Bruno has a wooden vise put on his tongue to prevent him continuing to speak. (1600)
- 18 February - Mary I of England is born. (1516)
- 18 February - While studying photographs taken in January, Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto. (1930)
- 18 February - The first Church of Scientology is established in Los Angeles. (1954)
- 19 February - The anti-paganism policy of Constantius II forbids the worship of pagan idols in the Roman Empire. (356)
- 19 February - Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish mathematician and astronomer is born. (1543)
- 21 February - Rebecca Nurse, a Massachusetts colonist who was executed as a witch, is born. (1621)
- 23 February - Traditionally the date of publication of the Gutenberg Bible, the first Western book printed with movable type. (1455)
- 24 February - With the papal bull Inter gravissimas, Pope Gregory XIII announces the Gregorian calendar. (1582)
- 27 February - Constantine the Great is born. (272)
- 29 February - Christopher Columbus uses his knowledge of a lunar eclipse that night to convince Jamaican natives to provide him with supplies. (1504)
- March - The "A" deck variant of the Rider-Waite Tarot is first published. (1910)
- 2 March - Famed Egyptologist, Howard Carter, dies. (1939)
- 5 March - Nicolaus Copernicus's book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres is added to the Index of Forbidden Books 73 years after it was first published. (1616)
- 7 March - The University of Paris issues the last in a series of condemnations of heretical philosophical and theological theses. (1277)
- 8 March - John of God, a Portuguese friar and saint, is born. (1495)
- 13 March - William Herschel discovers Uranus. (1781)
- 13 March - L. Ron Hubbard founder of the Church of Scientology is born. (1911)
- 15 March - The Ides of March - Julius Caesar is assassinated. (44 BC)
- 15 March - Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates the Russian throne, ending the 304-year Romanov dynasty. (1917)
- 15 March - The Vlad Dracula Tarot is published for the first time as The Tarot of Vlad Dracula. (2020)
- 16 March - Over 200 Cathars are burned to death after refusing to recant after the Fall of Montségur. (1244)
- 17 March - The Angel Tarot is first published as The Angel-Evoking Tarot. (2019)
- 19 March - Occultist and author Damien Echols is sentenced to death. He will later be released from prison. (1994)
- 20 March - While in Cairo, Aleister Crowley's wife, Rose, received a channeled message from the god Horus, revealing: "the Equinox of the Gods has come." (1904)
- 22 March - French alchemist and author Nicolas Flamel dies. (1418)
- 23 March - Tommy Bowman, an 8-year-old boy, disappears while hiking at Devil's Gate Dam. (1957)
- 29 March - Samuel L. MacGregor Mathers is expelled from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. (1900)
- 30 March - John Proctor, a farmer hanged for witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials, is born. (1632)
- April - Accused witch, Margaret Aitken, is arrested on suspicion of witchcraft. (1597)
- 1 April - The Last Supper of Jesus Christ. (30)
- 1 April - Comet Hale-Bopp showed perihelion. (1997)
- 3 April - Jack the Ripper is believed to commit his first murder. (1888)
- 4 April - Michael Servetus is arrested in Rome on charges of heresy. (1553)
- 5 April - Egyptologist Howard Carter dies in Cairo. (1923)
- 5 April - The First Omen, a prequel to The Omen is released. (2024)
- 6 April - Irish poet W.B. Yeats undergoes a "Steinach operation" and experiences renewed vigor for the rest of his life. (1934)
- 7 April - Traditional date of the crucifiction of Jesus Christ. (30)
- 7 April - Alfred Watkins, a British businessman who popularized the theory of Ley lines, dies. (1935)
- 8 April - Aleister Crowley hears the voice of Aiwass, convincing him to write The Book of the Law. (1904)
- 11 April - Occultist Anton Szandor LaVey is born. (1930)
- 11 April - Doctor, occultist, and warlock, Frederick Santee dies. (1980)
- 13 April - Accused witch [Bridget Bishop]] marries her first husband. (1660)
- 13 April - Astrologer Sybil Leek appears on American television for the first time. (1964)
- 18 April - Joan of Arc is beatified in Rome. (1909)
- 19 April - Danish astrology Tycho Brahe begins studying at the University of Copenhagen. (1559)
- 20 April - Suspected necromancer, William II de Soules, is executed for treason. (1321)
- 25 April - The Satanic Temple receives 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status as a nonprofit church. (2019)
- 28 April - Thiess of Kaltenbrun, the Livonian Werewolf, is brought to trial. (1691)
- 29 April - French saint Joan of Arc arrives to lift the siege of Orléans. (1429)
- 30 April - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints first uses a pentagram symbol at the Nauvoo Illinois Temple. (1846)
- 30 April - Pope Benedict XV celebrates Italian poet Dante Alighieri on the 600th anniversary of his death. (1921)
- 2 May - Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, is imprisoned on charges of adultery, incest, treason and witchcraft. (1536)
- 2 May - German Jesuit scholar and author Athanasius Kircher is born. (1602)
- 3 May - Occult horror film The Craft is released in theaters. (1996)
- 4 May - Religious reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus are condemned as heretics at the Council of Constance. (1415)
- 7 May - Argentine folk saint Eva Perón is born. (1919)
- 8 May - Joan of Arc lifts the Siege of Orléans, turning the tide of the Hundred Years' War. (1429)
- 9 May - Austrian painter Christoph Haizmann successfully retrieves his diabolical pact from Satan with the help of an exorcist. (1678)
- 9 May - Doug Headrick, a 12-year-old boy, disappears from Devil's Gate Dam in Pasadena, California. (1960)
- 10 May - Antoine Court de Gébelin, author who wrote an early treatise on the Tarot, dies in Paris. (1784)
- 13 May - Psychic Jeane Dixon predicts the assassination of John F. Kennedy in an issue of Parade Magazine. (1956)
- 15 May - French author Jean-Baptiste Pitois, who coined the terms Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, is born. (1811)
- 16 May - In Rome, Pope Benedict XV canonizes Joan of Arc. (1920)
- 19 May - Arthur Edward Waite, creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot, dies. (1942)
- 23 May - A merchant of Shiraz, the forerunner of the Baháʼí Faith, announces that he is a prophet and founds a religious movement. (1844)
- 23 May - German physician and astrologer, Franz Mesmer, is born. (1734)
- 24 May - Nicolaus Copernicus dies. (1543)
- 26 May - Nicholas II becomes the last Tsar of Imperial Russia. (1896)
- 31 May - Occultist and author Éliphas Lévi dies. (1875)
- 2 June - Trial of Urbain Grandier for witchcraft and adultery begins. (1630)
- 2 June - The Salem Witch Trials commence. (1692)
- 4 June - Occultist and author Travis McHenry is born. (1980)
- 8 June - Occult horror film Hereditary is released in the United States. (2018)
- 10 June - Accused witch Bridget Bishop is executed by hanging. (1692)
- 10 June - Psychic medium Hélène Smith dies in Switzerland. (1929)
- 12 June - The occult horror film Rosemary's Baby is released in the United States. (1968)
- 13 June - Author W.B. Yeats is born. (1865)
- 15 June - Margaret Jones is hanged in Boston for witchcraft in the first such execution for the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (1648)
- 15 June - New Orleans voodoo practitioner Marie Laveau dies. (1881)
- 16 June - Vlad the Impaler leads a daring night attack against Sultan Mehmed II near Târgoviște. (1462)
- 17 June - Michael Servetus is convicted of heresy and sentenced to death by burning. (1552)
- 17 June - Occultist engineer Jack Parsons dies. (1952)
- 22 June - The Inquisition finds Galileo Galilei guilty of heresy. (1633)
- 25 June - Occult horror film The Omen opens in the U.S. and Canada. (1976)
- 26 June - Richard III becomes King of England. (1483)
- 2 July - French seer and mystic Nostradamus dies. (1566)
- 3 July - Folk saint and shaman Don Pedro Jaramillo dies in Brooks County, Texas. (1907)
- 6 July - Jan Hus is burned at the state for heresy. (1415)
- 10 July - Czech occultist and author Franz Bardon dies from pancreatitis while in police custody. (1958)
- 14 July - The New Horizons spacecraft completes the first-ever flyby of Pluto. (2015)
- 12 July - French author Jean-Baptiste Pitois, who coined the terms Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, dies. (1877)
- 13 July - John Dee, court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, is born. (1527)
- 17 July - The last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, dies. (1918)
- 19 July - Date of the heliacal rise of Sirius used to begin the Egyptian calendar. (3000 BC)
- 19 July - Accused witch Rebecca Nurse is executed by hanging. (1692)
- 19 July - Australian cannibal murderer Alexander Pearce is executed by hanging. (1824)
- 19 July - Occultist Aleister Crowley begins his 40 day seclusion on Esopus Island. (1918)
- 22 July - Elizabethan astrologer Simon Forman marries 17-year-old Jane Baker. (1599)
- 26 July - Argentine folk saint Eva Perón dies. (1952)
- 28 July - Accused witch Lilias Adie is arrested for witchcraft. (1704)
- 1 August - Occultist Edward Kelley is born. (1555)
- 1 August - Witchfinder Margaret Aitken is exposed as a fraud. (1597)
- 4 August - Scottish nobleman William II de Soules is brought before the Black Parliament on charges of treason. (1320)
- 10 August - Astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel determines Sirius has an unseen companion. (1844)
- 12 August - Witchfinder General Matthew Hopkins dies of tuberculosis. (1647)
- 16 August - Angeline Tubbs, the Witch of Saratoga, dies. (1856)
- 18 August - French priest Urbain Grandier is convicted of "magic, maleficence, and possession." (1634)
- 19 August - Five people are executed in the Salem Witch Trials. (1692)
- 19 August - Occultist and author Damien Echols is freed from prison after making an Alford Plea. (2011)
- 21 August - A Voodoo ceremony turns into a violent rebellion sparking the Haitian Revolution. (1791)
- 25 August - Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible is born. (1530)
- 25 August - Galileo Galilei demonstrates his telescope to Venetian lawmakers. (1609)
- 25 August - The occult horror film The Ninth Gate premiers in Spain. (1999)
- 29 August - Lilias Adie dies in prison, accused of witchcraft. (1704)
- 29 August - Austrian painter Christoph Haizmann visits a church in Pottenbrunn seeking an exorcism. (1677)
- 31 August - Mary Ann Nicholas is murdered, the first of Jack the Ripper's confirmed victims. (1888)
- 7 September - Scottish witch Agnes Sampson causes a storm which kills Jane Kennedy. (1589)
- 7 September - Helena Blavatsky and others establish the Theosophy Society in New York City. (1875)
- 8 September - French saint Joan of Arc is wounded during a failed assault on the city of Paris. (1429)
- 8 September - NBC airs a television pilot for The Omen. (1995)
- 10 September - Rosicrucian philosopher John Heydon is born. (1629)
- 10 September - New Orleans voodoo practitioner Marie Laveau is born. (1801)
- 11 September - At age 13, Frederick Santee becomes the youngest person to attend Harvard University. (1920)
- 12 September - Astrologer Simon Forman dies. (1611)
- 14 September - Italian poet Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy, dies. (1321)
- 14 September - Occultist and author Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa is born. (1486)
- 14 September - Occult publishing company Bloodstone Studios is founded in Los Angeles, California. (2018)
- 15 September - Reginald Scot, author of The Discoverie of Witchcraft, writes out his will. (1599)
- 15 September - Congolese soldier and tribal leader, Ngongo Lutete, is executed for treason. (1893)
- 16 September - The earliest-known reference to Trionfi cards are recorded by a Florentine notary. (1440)
- 17 September - Occultist, witch, medical doctor, and child prodigy Frederick Santee is born in rural Pennsylvania. (1906)
- 18 September - Aleister Crowley performs a "suicide stunt" in Lisbon, Portugal with Fernando Pessoa. (1930)
- 18 September - Artist Pamela Colman Smith dies. (1951)
- 18 September - Occult horror film The Witch screens at the Toronto International Film Festival. (2015)
- 19 September - Accused witch Giles Corey is executed by being crushed to death in the Salem Witch Trials.
- 20 September - Australian cannibal Alexander Pearce escapes from prison. (1824)
- 24 September - German alchemist Paracelsus dies. (1541)
- 24 September - Austrian painter Christoph Haizmann signs a diabolical pact with Satan. (1668)
- 24 September - L. Ron Hubbard begins studying civil engineering at George Washington University. (1930)
- 26 September - Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses is first published in the United Kingdom. (1988)
- 29 September - Michael Servetus is born. (1509/1511)
- 30 September - Jack the Ripper kills his third and fourth victims. (1888)
- October - The British fleet lays off Esopus Island during the Revolutionary War. (1777)
- 2 October - Future King of England, Richard III is born. (1542)
- 2 October - Author and occultist Arthur Edward Waite is born. (1857)
- 2 October - Jack Parsons, American chemist, occultist, and engineer is born. (1914)
- 4 October - The Gregorian calendar is introduced by Pope Gregory XIII. (1582)
- 4 October - Ritual magician Samuel L. MacGregor Mathers is first initiated into a Masonic lodge. (1877)
- 7 October - The reference date for the origin of the Hebrew calendar. (3761BC)
- 9 October - Reginald Scot, author of The Discoverie of Witchcraft, dies. (1599)
- 11 October - An exorcism for the nuns of Loudun begins during the trail of Urbain Grandier. (1632)
- 12 October - The Salem Witch Trials are ended. (1692)
- 12 October - Author and occultist Aleister Crowley is born. (1875)
- 12 October - Followers of María Lionza undertake their annual pilgrimage to Sorte Mountain in Venezuela.
- 13 October - Hundreds of the Knights Templar in France are arrested at dawn by King Philip the Fair, and later confess under torture to heresy. (1307)
- 15 October - George Lusk, the chairman of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee in London, received the "From Hell" letter allegedly from Jack the Ripper. (1888)
- 26 October - Author and astrologer Sybil Leek dies. (1982)
- 27 October - Emperor Constantine is said to have received his famous Vision of the Cross. (312)
- 27 October - Condemned as a heretic, Michael Servetus is burned at the stake just outside Geneva. (1553)
- 29 October - The first trial for witchcraft in Paris results in the death of three people. (1390)
- 29 October - Occultist and author Anton Szandor LaVey dies. (1997)
- 31 October - Peter Stumpp, the Werewolf of Bedburg, is burned along with his mistress and daughter. (1589)
- 31 October - Thiess of Kaltenbrun, the Livonian Werewolf, is condemned to be flogged for heresy. (1692)
- 31 October - The occult horror film Nightmare on the 13th Floor first airs on television. (1990)
- 31 October - The holiday Halloween is celebrated in many countries.
- 1 November - The Archbishop of Capua sends a letter to Nicolaus Copernicus asking him to explain his heliocentric hypothesis. (1536)
- 1 November - Nicholas II becomes Tsar of Russia. (1894)
- 1 November - The young adult novel Eyes of the Tarot is first published by Bantam books. (1983)
- 8 November - Gospel riots: Bloody clashes take place in Athens following the translation of the Gospels into demotic Greek. (1901)
- 10 November - A Goddess of Reason is proclaimed by the French Convention at the suggestion of Pierre Gaspard Chaumette. (1793)
- 11 November - Paracelsus, Swiss-German physician, botanist, astrologer, and occultist is born. (1493)
- 13 November - The occult horror film As Above, So Below is released in theaters. (2014)
- 16 November - LSD is first synthesized by Albert Hofmann from ergotamine at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel. (1938)
- 17 November - Mary I of England dies of natural causes. (1558)
- 18 November - Aleister Crowley is initiated in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. (1898)
- 20 November - Occultist and author Samuel L. MacGregor Mathers dies. (1918)
- 22 November - Pope Clement V issues the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Knights Templar and seize their assets. (1307)
- 26 November - Vlad the Impaler defeats Basarab Laiota with the help of Stephen the Great and Stephen V Báthory and becomes the ruler of Wallachia for the third time. (1476)
- 30 November - The Hieronymus Bosch Tarot is first published by Bloodstone Studios. (2020)
- December - The Rider-Waite Tarot is published for the first time. (1909)
- 1 December - Czech occultist and author Franz Bardon is born. (1909)
- 1 December - Occultist and author Aleister Crowley dies of chronic bronchitis. (1947)
- 5 December - Pope Innocent VIII issues the Summis desiderantes affectibus, a papal bull that deputizes Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger as inquisitors to root out alleged witchcraft in Germany. (1484)
- 6 December - Transit of Venus, second and last of the 19th century. (1882)
- 6 December - Birth of Dion Fortune, a Welsh occultist, psychologist, and author. (1890)
- 9 December - The Virgin of Guadalupe first appears to Juan Diego at Tepeyac, Mexico City. (1531)
- 9 December - Birth of Hélène Smith, a French psychic and occultist. (1861)
- 11 December - Author and occultist Damien Echols is born. (1974)
- 13 December - Occultist Johannes Trithemius is born. (1516)
- 17 December - The first Saturnalia festival was celebrated in ancient Rome. (497 BC)
- 17 December - The tomb of Marie Laveau in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 is vandalized by an unknown person. (2013)
- 19 December - Edward Kelley performs his first alchemical transmutation. (1586)
- 21 December - A great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurs, with the two planets separated in the sky by 0.1 degrees. This is the closest conjunction between the two planets since 1623. (2020)
- 21/22 December - Winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
- 25 December - A temple to Sol Invictus is dedicated in Rome by Emperor Aurelian. (274)
- 30 December - Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin is murdered by a group of nobles led by Prince Felix Yusupov. (1916)
- 31 December - Birth of Simon Forman, an English occultist and astrologer. (1552)